A fried potato by any other name would taste as savoury

American Australian Howard Manns went to the shop to buy what Americans call “tater tots” and discovered they were what Coles calls “potato royals”. A more common word in Australia is “potato gem”. In Victoria they are “potato cakes”, in NSW “potato scallops”, and someone from South Australian thinks these are called “potato fritters”. For discussion of this and more see https://lens.monash.edu/@politics-society/2022/08/24/1385017

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‘No worries’ looks to be a simple little expression – but it’s anything but

Kate Burridge points out that when Ozzies love an expression, they play with it. No worries has generated numerous remodelled versions – notably, gloriously truncated nurries, and the more complex no wuckers/no wucks, two truncated spoonerised versions (from no fucking worries -> no wucking furries -> no wuckers/no wucks). No wuckers also shows the -ers ending, a double diminutive sometimes added to adjectives (like chockers, ‘chock-a-block’; preggers, ‘pregnant’), and also to nicknames (one of my school nicknames, Budge, was occasionally transformed – I like to think, affectionately – to Budgers). And there is more to entertain you at https://lens.monash.edu/@politics-society/2022/08/18/1384986

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